(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.09.11 2015고단3180




A and B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year, and by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months.

However, from the final date of this judgment.


Punishment of the crime


C On September 13, 2013, the Daegu District Court was sentenced to four years of imprisonment with prison labor for fraud, etc., and the above judgment was finalized on December 21, 2013.

1. Defendant A: (a) on June 17, 2012, Defendant A committed a crime of cutting off the left hand of Defendant F, G, and a person without the name of the Defendant committed an industrial accident despite that the fact between F, G, and the person with the name of the Defendant does not constitute an industrial accident, the Defendant would have suffered an injury due to an industrial accident; (b) as if he/she pretended that the injury was caused by an industrial accident, he/she conspired to receive medical care benefits and insurance proceeds by deceiving the victim and the insurance company; and (c) F, G, in charge of preparing the site of the work that would lead to the occurrence of an industrial accident and applying for the industrial accident insurance proceeds; and (d) a person with the name of the Defendant

On June 17, 2012, inn of the name in Bupyeong-gu Incheon, Incheon, F injecteds into the Defendant’s left hand, and the name-free person caused damage to the Defendant’s left hand by causing damage to the Defendant’s left hand hand, 1, 2, 4 balance of 1, 2, 2, 3, and 4 balance of 1,4 balance of the Defendant’s left hand.

On June 26, 2012, the Defendant, via the person in charge of the Incheon H Hospital, filed an application for medical care benefits for industrial accident compensation insurance with the employees in charge of the Seoul Gangnam-gu branch of the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service, stating that “A”, “disaster occurrence date” as “A”, “A” and “disaster cause and occurrence status” as “the 15th floor stairs,” and “the 15th floor stairs, and the 15th class stairs, are different from the 15th class stairs,” and submitted the application for medical care benefits for industrial accident compensation insurance.

However, the facts are that the defendant intentionally flicked the left hand together with the person F and the person in non-name, and the defendant did not go beyond the work progress.

As above, the Defendant, by deceiving the Victim’s Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service, was transferred 597,870 won as temporary layoff benefits from the Victim’s Compensation and Welfare Service to the Nonghyup account in the name of the Defendant on July 3, 2012.