특허법원 2017.12.21 2017허6446



1. 원고의 청구를 기각한다.

2. 소송비용은 원고가 부담한다.


1. 기초사실

가. 이 사건 국제등록출원서비스표 (1) 국제등록번호/국제등록일 : 제1225726호/2014. 9. 2. (2) 표장 : (3) 지정서비스업 : - 서비스업류 구분 제38류의 Communication services, namely, transmission of audio and visual content consisting of sounds, images, videos and data via satellite, cable, fiber optic network, wireless communication network, and a global computer network, television transmission services, video-on-demand transmission services, streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material via a global computer network, mobile media services in the nature of electronic transmission of entertainment media content, providing online electronic bulletin boards and forums for transmission of messages among users. - 서비스업류 구분 제41류의 Educational services, namely, a continuing program in the fields of general human interest, reality-based programming, travel, exploration, geography, ecology, architecture, history, food and drink, art, adventure, sports, history, paranormal activity, leisure and lifestyles, accessible by radio, television, cable television, the Internet, wireless networks, satellite, audio, video, and computer networks., entertainment services, namely, a continuing program in the fields of general human interest, reality-based programming, travel, exploration, geography, ecology, architecture, history, food and drink, art, adventure, sports, history, paranormal activity, leisure and lifestyles, accessible by radio, television, cable television, the Internet, wireless networks, satellite, audio, video, and computer networks. 나.

이 사건 심결의 경위 (1) 원고의 이 사건 국제등록출원서비스표(이하 ‘이 사건 출원서비스표’라 한다)에 대하여, 특허청 심사관은 2015. 4. 28. "이 사건 출원서비스표는 구 상표법(2016. 2. 29. 법률 제14033호로 전부개정되기 전의 것, 이하 같다) 제6조 제1항 제3호 및 제7호에 해당하므로 그 서비스표 등록을...