특허법원 2018.06.14 2017허8299



1. 원고의 청구를 기각한다.

2. 소송비용은 원고가 부담한다.


1. 기초사실

가. 이 사건 국제등록출원상표 (이하 ‘이 사건 출원상표’라 한다) 1) 국제등록번호/ 국제등록일: 제1253143호/ 2015. 3. 23. 2) 구성: 3) 지정상품: 상품류 구분 제14류의 Precious metals, personal ornaments [jewellery, other than ‘cuff links’], cuff links, semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations, unwrought precious stones, wrist watches, watch bands and straps, dials for clock-and watchmaking, cases for clock-and watchmaking, clocks and watches, electric watches and clocks, electronic watches and clocks, parts and fittings for watches, clocks and wrist watches, wrist watches having a function of transmitting and receiving data to and from an electronic personal organizer, mobile phones and a personal computer, autonomous radio controlled watches, watches having a function of transmitting and receiving data, watches having a GPS function, chronographs [watches], stopwatches, timekeeping instruments, clock and watch hands, watch faces, watch movements, watch glasses, watch chains, watch boxes, watch pouches, table clocks, pocket watches, automobile clocks, wall clocks, alarm clocks, watch and clock springs, watch crystals, pendulums [clock- and watchmaking], personal ornaments [jewellery, other than ‘cuff links’], personal ornaments [jewellery, other than ‘cuff links’], personal ornaments [jewellery, other than ‘cuff links’], cuff links 4) 국제등록명의인: 원고

나. 선등록상표 1) 선등록상표 1 가) 등록번호/ 출원일/ 등록일/ 소멸일: 상표등록 제682038호/ 2005. 9. 8./ 2006. 10. 17./ 2016. 10. 18. 나) 구성: 다) 지정상품: 상품류 구분 제14류의 귀금속제 기념컵, 귀금속제 버클, 귀금속제 콤팩트, 귀금속제주전자, 귀금속제 컵, 귀금속제 쟁반, 키홀더, 전자시계 2) 선등록상표 2 가) 등록번호/ 출원일/ 등록일/ 갱신등록일: 상표등록 제676003호/ 2005. 9. 8./ 2006. 8. 28./ 2016. 7. 19. 나) 구성: 다) 지정상품: 상품류...