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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.06.20 2018가합20852
임시총회결의 무효 확인의 소

1. On April 16, 2018, the Defendant’s 11th Defendant’s Intervenor’s Intervenor’s 11th Defendant’s resolution of extraordinary general meetings, which was elected as the president of the


1. The basic fact C Association is a juristic person established under the Framework Act on the Construction Industry, which has a City/Do council, such as the Gyeonggi-do Council;

The Plaintiffs and the Intervenor D (hereinafter referred to as “D”) are regular members of the Defendant C Association Gyeonggi-do Council (hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant”).

The articles of incorporation and other relevant provisions of the C Association are as follows:

▣ C협회 정관 제36조(시도회 임원) ① 시도회 임원으로 회장 1인, 부회장, 운영위원(시도회 정부회장 포함), 감사를 두되, 정수 및 선출 등에 관한 사항은 따로 규정으로 정한다.

(2) Officers of City/Do councils shall be elected at the general meeting of the City/Do councils concerned, and positions prescribed separately by regulations shall be approved by the chairperson of the National Federation.

(3) Matters necessary for the establishment and operation of City/Do councils shall be prescribed separately by separate regulations.

▣ 시도회 설치운영규정 제6조(시도회 임원의 선임) ① 시도회 회장은 시도회 총회 구성원 중에서 시도회 총회가 선출하며, 시도회 회장의 피선거권선출방법 등은 시도회회장 선출규정에서 정하는 바에 따른다.

Article 10 (Meetings) (1) City/Do councils shall have a general meeting and steering committee.

(2) A City/Do general meeting shall be comprised of representative members.

Provided, That it may be comprised of all members of the regular meeting, following a resolution of the Steering Committee of the City/Do Council.

(3) The fixed number and method for selecting representative members, and the determination of main types of business, etc. shall be determined by the regulations on the selection of representative members of City/Do councils.

Article 15 (Matters to be Resolved by Operating Committee) Matters requiring resolution of the Operating Committee shall be as follows:

5. 시ㆍ도회 총회구성방법 및 운영에 관한 사항 ▣ 시도회 대표회원 선출규정 제5조(정수 등) ① 대표회원의 선출정수는 50인 이상 200인 이내의 범위 내에서 당해 시ㆍ도회에서 정하며, 그 최소정수는 다음 각호와 같다.

1. City/Do associations with less than 500 regular members: 50 persons;

2. A City/Do council which employs not less than 500 but less than 1,00 regular members: 50 persons and 500 regular members;
