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텍스트 조절
(영문) 특허법원 2018.10.26 2017나2417
디자인권침해금지 등 청구의 소

1. All of the claims filed by the plaintiff (Counterclaim defendant) whose exchange was changed in the trial of the party are dismissed.

2. The judgment of the court of first instance is rendered.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff’s status, registered design right, and Plaintiff’s product 1) “C” (hereinafter “C”).

)이라는 상호로 진공밀폐용기 등을 생산ㆍ판매하던 B은 2000년경부터 원형 진공항아리를 생산판매하였다. 한편 C에서 근무하던 D은 2002년 말경 C에서 퇴직하고 ‘E’라는 상호로 진공밀폐용기 등을 생산판매하였으며, D의 동서(同壻)인 원고가 2006년경 ‘E’의 대표자가 되었다. 원고는 2006년 말경부터 ‘F’이라는 상표를 사용하여 ‘0.6ℓ, 1.5ℓ, 5ℓ, 7ℓ, 12ℓ, 22ℓ, 32ℓ’ 등 원형 진공항아리 7종을 생산ㆍ판매하였으며, 2014년경부터는 7ℓ짜리를 8ℓ짜리로 교체하고, 3ℓ짜리와 45ℓ짜리를 추가하여 총 9종의 원형 진공항아리 를 생산ㆍ판매하되, 22ℓ, 32ℓ, 45ℓ로 구성된 원형 진공항아리 점보특대형세트와 3ℓ, 5ℓ, 8ℓ, 12ℓ, 22ℓ로 구성된 원형 진공항아리 기본형세트 등을 홈쇼핑 등을 통해 판매하였다(이하 원고의 이러한 원형 진공항아리 제품을 ‘원고 제품’이라 한다

(2) The Plaintiff and D filed an application for design of G’s “H” and received I registration

(Registration Number J, hereinafter “instant registered design”). The Plaintiff and K filed an application for the design of “M” and obtained N (registration numberO and subsequent registration number as seen in the registration number P, hereinafter “instant registered design”) (hereinafter “instant invalidated design”). As such, the design was invalidated as seen in the registration number P, and thus, is deemed invalid.

(B) On June 26, 2014, the Defendant filed an application for each of the designs pertaining to the “Jinscocoon for food storage” (registration number 077272728), “scoon for Jinscoon” (registration number 0772729) and “scoon for food storage” (registration number 0772722) and “scoon for food storage” (registration number 0772722) and was registered on November 19, 2014.

(hereinafter referred to as “Defendant’s registered design,” and the registration number No. 0772728 among them, shall be referred to as “Defendant’s registered design”). 2 Defendant.
