본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2015.08.07 2015고단355


A Imprisonment with prison labor of eight years and fine of twenty million won, Defendant B's imprisonment with prison labor of one year and two years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

"2015 Highest 355": Defendant A, Defendant B, using the forged number of units and spophones obtained by improper means, asked for the purchase of merchandise coupons to persons in charge of merchandise coupons, such as hotels, department stores, travel agents, etc., and then, Defendant B and C transfer forged number of units and certificates of acceptance of merchandise coupons to the bank through Kwikset service article, Defendant B and C deposited a forged number of units into the bank through Kwikset service article, and received merchandise coupons from the person in charge of merchandise coupons to confirm them, and then, they shared that merchandise coupons by selling merchandise coupons and dividing them into cash.

1. Defendants C and co-offenders

가. 위조유가증권행사, 사기 피고인 A은 2014. 9. 4. 14:30경 하남시 망월동에 있는 미사리경정장에서 미리 준비한 대포폰(H)을 이용하여 피해자 에스케이네트웍스(주)가 운영하는 쉐라톤 워커힐 호텔(02-455-5000)에 전화하여 “상품권을 구입하고 싶다”고 문의하고, 피고인 B과 C는 피고인 A이 미리 전화하여 부른 퀵서비스 기사에게 (주)I 명의로 위조된 액면금 8,000만 원의 당좌수표(수표번호 J)를 교부하여 위 퀵서비스기사를 통해 피해자 에스케이네트웍스(주)의 하나은행 계좌(549-910010-91704)로위 위조수표를 입금한 다음 서울 광진구 워커힐로 177에 있는 쉐라톤 워커힐 호텔에서 위 퀵서비스 기사를 통해 위 수표가 위조된 정을 모르는 성명불상의 호텔직원으로부터 10만 원권 상품권 800매를 교부받았다.

As a result, the Defendants were issued 800 gift certificates of the hotel in collusion with C to exercise forged securities, and by deceiving the victims, the Defendants were issued 80 million won in total from the victims.

2. Defendant A’s joint criminal conduct with Defendant C

A. On September 26, 2014, the Defendant, along with C, was forged at a new bank and a astronomical point located in Overcheon-si around September 26, 201, at the face value in the name of K Co., Ltd. 7.
