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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2016.2.18.선고 2014고단8143 판결

2014 Highest 8143 Violation of the Military Service Act


1. Kim○-○ (93 - 1), students

Housing Bupyeong-gu in Incheon;

Reference domicile Kimpo-si

2 . 김■■ ( 94 - 1 ) , 학생

Housing Incheon Yeonsu-gu

Reference domicile Incheon Yeonsu-gu


anti-prosecution (prosecutions) and Kim Jong-hun (Trial)

Defense Counsel

Minor Law Firm (private ships for all of the defendants)

Attorney in charge Jin-law

Imposition of Judgment

February 18, 2016


피고인 김○○를 징역 8월에 , 피고인 김■■을 징역 1년에 각 처한다 .

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date when this judgment became final and conclusive.

피고인 김■■에 대하여 200시간의 사회봉사를 명한다 .


Criminal facts

1. Defendant Kim-○

Any person shall not engage in a fraudulent act with the intention of having military service reduced or exempted. Nevertheless, even if a high school student entered a university with the average weight of 90 km or before and after 90 km, 80 km or higher, 80 km or 80 km or higher, and entered the university with the highest sexual three km, he artificially increased the body weight to 123 km for the purpose of military service reduction or exemption, and thereafter, on August 8, 2012, the Incheon regional military manpower office of the Gyeonggi-do and the Incheon regional military manpower office judged the physical grade 4 in physical grade.

2 . 피고인 김■■

Any person shall not engage in a fraudulent act with the intention of having military service reduced or exempted. Nevertheless, even if a high school student entered a university with the highest score of 75 km before and after the average body was 75 km or higher, 65 km or higher, and entered a university as a sports specialty student, he artificially increased the body to 109 km for the purpose of having military service reduced or exempted and then received physical grade 4 from the Incheon regional military manpower office Incheon regional military manpower office on November 29, 2013.

Summary of Evidence

1. The defendant's partial statement in court;

1. Legal statement of a witness Kim Hong-ro (tentative name);

1. Statement of the police on Kim Hong-ro (alias)

1. Each request for the provision of data (specific items, etc. at the time of entrance), the identification of the date of choice of a person in question of the draft physical examination; and

G. Report (Adjustment of Suspect Kim ○○ Military Service Records, etc.), military register inquiry ( Kim○○) and physical examination results of the Military Manpower Administration

A course of study in exclusive charge of draft physical, such as a closure screen (OOO), school life register (OOO), student health register (OOO), and students in exclusive charge of draft physical.

Opinion (Confirmation) Answer to a request for the provision of medical records (OO), sports performance certificate (OOO), each of them;

○○○ Kim Spon-North writing printed out of comments and a letter of reorganization (i.e., July 29, 2012).

(i) On September 4, 2012, the person who was September 5, 2012; the person who was October 18, 2012; and the investigation report (a suspect Kim-○ civil petition consultation)

The contents of the report on confirmation of the contents of the military affairs counseling center, the response of the military affairs civil petition counseling center, and the consultation recording of each Kim ○○ Call civil petition.

(E) July 16, 2012; (i) the person on April 25, 2013; and (ii) the verification date of a draft physical examination; (iii) the verification date of a draft physical examination;

The details of entry and departure ( Kim○○), each suspect Kim ○-dong Wire's Currency (UBB, Kim Il, Kim 00, Kim Jong-si)

◇ ) , 신장 , 체중측정 확인서 ( 김○○ ) , 김○○ 제출 누가의원 Clinic Chart 사본 , 수사보

J. (Report to the effect that the suspect is subject to enlistment in active service of physical grade II that is confirmed at present / by the body of the suspect;

누가의원 Clinic Chart 확인결과 , 수사보고 ( 피의자 김■■ 병역사항 등 정리 ) , 병적

조회 ( 김■■ ) , 병무청 신체검사 결과 캡쳐 화면 ( 김■■ ) , 학생생활기록부 ( 김■■ ) , 학

교건강기록부 ( 김■■ ) , 수사보고 ( 피의자 김■■ 건강보험 요양급여내역 확인 정리 ) ,

Requests a person liable for military service to provide details of medical treatment, opinions of doctors in exclusive charge of draft physical (verification) and requests to provide details of medical treatment.

대한 회신 ( 김■■ ) , 경기실적증명서 ( 김■■ ) , 징병검사 본인선택 일자 확인 요청 , 징

병검사 본인선택 일자 확인사항 알림 , 신장 , 체중 측정 확인서 ( 김■■ ) , 수사보고 ( 피

Voluntary submitted by the member(s)(s)(s)(s)(s)(s)(b)(s)(s)(s)(s)(s)(s)(

In all of the specifications of "Sayn" purchase report, investigation report (at present, confirmation of the suspect / body, etc.) and body, etc.

The above 2th class enlistment in active duty service shall be reported as constituting an object of enlistment in active duty service.

Judgment on the Defendants and defense counsel's assertion

1. The defendants and defense counsel's assertion

The Defendants and the defense counsel asserts that ① the facts charged do not specify the date, time, place, method, etc. of the increase in the body of the Defendants, the prosecution should be dismissed. ② Even if not, the Defendants intentionally increased the body and did not have to reduce military service, and thus, the verdict of innocence should be pronounced.

2. Determination

A. As to the Defendants and the defense counsel’s order ①

The facts charged should be stated clearly by specifying the date and time, place, and method of a crime (Article 254(4) of the Criminal Procedure Act). The purport of the law requiring the specification of the facts charged is to facilitate the exercise of the defendant’s right to defense. As such, the facts charged is sufficient if it is stated to the extent that the facts constituting the elements of a crime can be identified by integrating these elements, and even if the date, time, place, method, etc. of a crime are not specified in the indictment, it does not go against the purport of the law allowing the public prosecution to specify the facts charged, and if it is inevitable to indicate the facts in light of the nature of the facts charged, and it does not interfere with the defendant’s right to defense, it cannot be deemed that the facts charged are not easily specified (Article 207Do2694, Jun. 14, 2007, etc.).

이 사건에서 살피건대 , 이 사건 공소사실의 요지는 피고인 김○○는 고등학교 재학 시 평균 체중이 90kg 전후였는데 , 2012 . 8 . 8 . 까지 인위적으로 체중을 123kg까지 증가 시켜 속임수를 쓰는 방법으로 병역의무를 감면받았다는 것이고 , 피고인 김■■은 고등 학교 재학시 평균 체중이 75kg 전후였는데 , 2013 . 11 . 29 . 까지 인위적으로 체중을 109kg까지 증가시켜 속임수를 쓰는 방법으로 병역의무를 감면받았다는 것으로 , 그 체 중증가 시기는 피고인 김○○의 경우 ' 고등학교 졸업 무렵인 2012 . 초경부터 징병신체 검사일인 2012 . 8 . 8 . 까지 ' 로 , 피고인 김■■의 경우 ' 고등학교 졸업 무렵인 2013 . 초경 부터 징병신체검사일인 2013 . 11 . 29 . 까지 ' 로 개략적으로 특정이 되고 , 의도적으로 체 중을 늘리기 시작한 정확한 시기 , 그 구체적인 방법 등에 대하여는 적시되어 있지 않 다 하더라도 , 이로 인하여 피고인에 대한 방어권 행사에 지장이 있다고 볼 수는 없어 , 공소사실이 특정되지 아니하였다고 보기는 어렵다 . 따라서 이 부분 주장을 받아들이지 아니한다 .

B. As to the Defendants and the defense counsel’s assertion

1) Defendant Kim ○○

판시 증거들을 종합하면 , ① 피고인은 OO고등학교 재학시절 1학년 ( 2009 . 경 ) 에는 체 중이 76 . 4kg , 2학년 ( 2010 . 경 ) 에는 89 . 4kg , 3학년 ( 2011 . 경 ) 에는 88 . 0kg이었고 , 2011 . 4 . 경 부터 같은 해 8 . 경까지 보디빌딩 대회 80kg급에 3회 출전하여 입상한 사실 , ② 피고인 은 고등학교 졸업 무렵이던 2012 . 2 . 경 체중이 90kg 전후였으나 , 2012 . 8 . 8 . 징병 신체검사 당시 123kg이었던 사실 ( 피고인 신장 176cm의 경우 108 . 4kg 이상이 4급 판정 대상임 ) , ③ 피고인은 징병신체검사를 앞둔 2012 . 7 . 29 . 자신의 페이스북 계정에 " 인생 망했다 . 좆됬음 . 저 신검 월요일로 바꾸다가 망했어요 . 한 달 뒤로 미뤄졌어요 . 아 다이 어트 하고 싶어요 . 저 패닉이에요 . 한 달 동안 유지 어떡해해요 . 아 나 살 언제 빼 . " 라는 취지의 글을 게시하였고 , 같은 날 위 계정에 피고인의 지인인 구□□이 " 쪼끔 만 참으면 2년을 번다 . ㅋㅋ 성수 파이팅 " 이라는 취지의 글을 게시한 사실 , ④ 피고인 은 징병신체검사 직후인 2012 . 8 . 27 . 위 페이스북 계정에 다시 " 태풍이 오든 말든 난 운동을 가겠어 " 라는 취지의 글을 게시한 사실 , ⑤ 한편 , 피고인은 2012 . 6 . 21 . 징병신 체검사를 신청하여 검사일이 2012 . 8 . 20 . 로 지정되었는데 , 그 이후인 2012 . 7 . 16 . 병 무청에 전화를 걸어 " 신체검사일이 2012 . 8 . 20 . 인데 8월초 유학이라 신체검사일을 앞 당기고 싶다 " 는 취지로 거짓말을 하였고 , 이후인 2012 . 8 . 7 . 다시 신체검사 일자 변경 신청을 하여 검사일이 2012 . 8 . 8 . 로 변경된 사실 , ⑥ 피고인은 2014 . 4 . 2 . 경 경찰에서 이 사건 병역법위반으로 수사를 받으면서 체중이 89 . 1kg으로 측정되었고 , 그로부터 현 재까지 90kg 전후의 체중을 유지하고 있는 사실 등을 인정할 수 있다 .

(1) Comprehensively considering the evidence and the facts acknowledged as above, the Defendant maintained 1 to 2, 2012. From 0 g of the body of the Defendant before and after the rapid increase of 2,00, up to 123 g of the body of the Defendant, 1 to 33 g of the physical examination. The Defendant’s attempt to undergo physical examination during the designated physical examination date and 1 to 20 g of the body of the Defendant to 3rd up to 10 g of the above 2, whichever was later increased by 1 to 30 g of the above 2. The Defendant’s attempt to take part in the above 2nd 2nd 2nd 7th 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 201st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3.

2 ) 피고인 김■■

In full view of the evidence as indicated in the judgment, the defendant was found to have been 1.5 g. 6 g. , 2 g. , 2 g. , 2 g. , 3 g. , and 68 g. , and 1. 2 g. 3 g. , 10 g. , 200 g. , 1. 3 g. , 200 g. , and 1. 3 g. , 200 g. , the defendant was found to have been found to have been 1. 4 g. , and the defendant was 2 g. , 1. 3 g. , 100 g. , 200 g. , 16. 3 g. , 200 g. , 16. 3 g. , 2013. . 3 g.

In full view of the evidence and the facts admitted as above, the Defendant maintained the following circumstances, (a) up to October 2012, the body of which does not exceed 75 km, which was measured on November 29, 2012, the date of physical examination for conscription, and increased approximately 34 km between 109 km and 1 year 1 month. 6 The Defendant appears to have taken advantage of the pro rata purchased by her for the rapid increase of weight during the above period (the Defendant asserted that the supplementary system purchased by her was used, and the Defendant’s statement by 10 OO was also consistent with this, but it is difficult to believe that the Defendant was subject to 20 g of physical examination by 10 g of the Defendant’s disease and 4th of the date of physical examination without any specific reasons. However, in light of the fact that 2nd of the increase in physical examination by 10 g of the Defendant’s disease and 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 3th of the 1st of the physical examination.

Application of Statutes

1. Relevant Articles of criminal facts;

Article 86 of the Military Service Act

1. Discretionary mitigation (Defendant Kim ○○)

Articles 53 and 55(1)3 of the Criminal Act (see, e.g., Articles 55(1)3 of the Criminal Act)

1. Suspension of execution (the Defendants)

Article 62(1) of each Criminal Code (Consideration of favorable circumstances among the following reasons for sentencing)

1 . 사회봉사명령 ( 피고인 김■■ )

Article 62-2 of the Criminal Act

Reasons for sentencing

In order to have the military service reduced or exempted, Defendants are affiliated with the military non-administrative agency by artificial increase in the weight of the body, and the nature of the crime is not good.

However, the Defendants were the first offender, the Defendants were reduced or exempted from military service by simply increasing the body, and the Defendants did not proceed to active physical damage, etc., and Defendant Kim Jong-○ committed all of the obligations as social work personnel according to physical grade 4. When the conviction of this case becomes final and conclusive, considering the fact that the Defendants should perform the duty of military service according to the result of physical examination for conscription, and other factors such as the Defendants’ annual order, character and behavior, environment, means and method of committing the crime, result, and circumstances after committing the crime, etc., the punishment is determined as per the order.


Judges Mak-hee
