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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2012.12.17 2012고단2661

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

The defendant, which was decided by the applicant for compensation, is 23.2 of the fraud money under the Paragraph (1) of Article 2012 Highest 3299.


Punishment of the crime

[2012고단2661] 피고인은 2007. 1.경 ‘벼룩시장’ 신문에 ‘5,000만 원을 투자하면 인생이 바뀝니다’라는 광고를 게재하고, 이에 광고를 보고 찾아온 피해자 D에게, 2007. 1. 30.경 부산 해운대구 E에 있는 F교회건물 5층에 있는 피고인 운영의 임시 사무실에서, “나는 주식회사 G 대표이고 컴퓨터 보안기술 관련 특허를 취득하였다. 우리 회사는 컴퓨터 관련 중개사이트를 2007. 4. 15.경 정상 오픈할 예정인데 돈을 투자하면 당신을 사외이사로 등재시켜 주고, 회사 수익의 15%를 배당해주겠다.”라고 말하였다.

However, the fact was that there was no capital stock and no computer-related patent was actually established or operated by the G company, and thus there was no intention or ability to distribute the profits even if the funds were received from the victim.

Nevertheless, the defendant prepared a "investment contract with the victim" and received 18 million won from the victim as investment money.

In addition, the Defendant continued to keep the victim in the same way in the same way from around that time, “The security technology already offered with a patent prior to the domestic sector is being sold and kept separately. In addition, in a lawsuit related to the mobile phone-related business that had been operated prior to the example, the Defendant may receive a deposit in an amount equivalent to KRW 80 billion from Sweden company immediately after that time.” The Defendant received a total of KRW 14,2610,000 from the victim from the above date to April 12, 201 in the form of funds necessary for the receipt of money from the above date to April 12, 2011.

[2012 Highest 3299]

1. On Aug. 8, 2006, the Defendant filed an advertisement to invite people who will invest in a computer program development project at the early fluence market.
