(영문) 특허법원 2018.06.14 2017허4976



1. The decision made by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on May 17, 2017 by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on a case No. 2016 Won4874 shall be revoked.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be.


1. Basic facts

(a) The Plaintiff’s title of the invention(A) of this case: The 0th day of the filing date of the claim for priority / the filing date of translation / the application number: April 6, 2010 / the main contents and drawings [the technical field] of the 10th day of July 27, 201 / the invention of the processing system for the manufacture of the 0th day of the 0th day of the 0th day of the 0th day of the application using the 0th day of the 0th day of the 0th day of the application, the 10th day of the 0th day of the application using the 0th day of the 0th day of the 0th day of the 0th day of the application, the 10th day of the application method using the 10th day of the 0th day of the 0th day of the application, the 10th day of the application method using the 10th day of the 1935th day of the 20th day of the application of the 10th day of the 20th day of the [30th day of the Patent No.