(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.10.07 2013가합542939

퇴직위로금 청구의 소


1. The plaintiffs are based on each of the money stated in the attached Form 2 "personal fees" against the Korea Federation of New Savings Co., Ltd.


Basic Facts

A related bankrupt company of the parties is a mutual savings bank authorized by the Financial Services Commission in accordance with the Mutual Savings Banks Act, and on June 2012, the net loss of the party was KRW 4.7 billion, and the ratio of international settlement standard equity capital (BIS; hereinafter referred to as “BIS”) has deteriorated management status to -0.34.

On December 21, 2012, the Financial Services Commission appointed a bankruptcy company as an insolvent financial institution and appointed a manager. On April 12, 2013, the Financial Services Commission issued a disposition of business suspension for six months (from April 12, 2013 to October 11, 2013). On September 29 of the same year, the Financial Services Commission filed a petition for bankruptcy with this court and revoked the business license of a mutual savings bank on October 29 of the same year.

The defendant litigant was appointed as the bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt company in the lawsuit of this case and took over the bankrupt company in the lawsuit of this case.

The plaintiffs are working in the bankruptcy company.

In the above bankruptcy case, it was reported that there was a claim of the amount entered in the [Attachment 2] claim column (the average wage for 18 months) in the above bankruptcy case (However, in the case of the plaintiff A, it was reported to an excessive amount than the above mentioned amount), but the defendant litigant denied the plaintiffs' claim.

As the number of credit safes, etc., which suffered difficulties in management due to the accumulation of bad credit, excessive holding of fixed assets and securities investment losses, losses due to illegal loan handling after the so-called IMF crisis caused by the end of 197, the process of the establishment and amendment of the regulations on retirement consolation benefits for the company in bankruptcy, has been increased, and the credit safes, etc., which did not meet certain standards, have been designated as insolvent financial institutions, and the credit safes, etc. was converted into another financial institution, a merger with another financial institution, a type of financial institution, or a dissolution or declaration of bankruptcy due to the cancellation of the business license of the Financial

Article 29 Conversion of Types of Business Transfer (Liquidation, Bankruptcy, etc.) of Credit Cooperatives

2. The credit cooperative shall be a credit cooperative;