(영문) 광주고등법원 2015.11.27 2014나2975



1.The following amounts, among the parts against the principal suit of the judgment of the court of first instance, shall be payable:


(a)the charges for selling guest rooms and for which “A” first received from “A” have to be substantially deposited into “A”, and “A” shall not sell “B” at a rate of not less than 27,500 won of the charges offered to “B” and sell all of the charges below;

3. “B” shall proceed with online sales at short-term special charges to increase the sales of guest rooms after consultation with “A” if necessary, and “A” shall provide “B” with “B” for a period of non-life (one to three months).

4. “B” may not raise an objection to “A” if the rate is at least 27,500 won offered to the offline, the offline and online companies.

Article 7 (Period of Time, Number of guest Rooms, Period of Time) The price of guest rooms in the form of contract (wons) shall be calculated from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013, average 30 guest rooms average of 900 guest rooms in the form of contract from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013, which is able to be additionally provided for guest rooms according to the reservation condition of Tin 30 guest rooms, Tin 30/day 93,500 guest rooms *

7. “A” excluded from 20.8.20 to 20.20 shall provide “B” with guest rooms as follows:

(Exclusion Period: F1franc, net0, X-P) - The above guest room price shall be an amount including value added and shall not be included - the amount which shall be more fixed - the guest room shall be made available by the wind.

- The number of guest rooms and charges for use may be adjusted down to the agreement of both companies after the contract.

Article 9 (Procedures for Payment and Promise of Price)

1. “B” shall require “A” to pay the full amount of the prescribed guest room charges, regardless of whether they are used by customers.

2. The guest room charges shall be settled on a two-state basis and paid in full by the following week, and in the case of a contract, “B” shall subscribe to a surety insurance.

Article 11 (Compensation for Damages)

2. “A” shall guarantee the passenger room reservation to be provided by “A” during the period of reservation on the date on which the guest room fee is deposited from “B”.

4.A “A” shall not exceed the charges specified in paragraph 2 of Article V of this Agreement at the time of sale of guest rooms.