(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.3.17.선고 2012고단6419 판결



2012 Highest 6419 Violation of the National Security Act (e.g., praises, rubber, etc.)


△△ (66-years, South) and daily workers;

Residential Suwon-si District:

Ansan-si in the place of registration


Kim Ho-young (Lawsuits of Prosecution), and Written decoration (Trial)

Imposition of Judgment

March 17, 2014


A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and suspension of qualifications for a year.

except that the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.

To order the defendant to be put on probation.


Facts of crime

1. Expressions, rubber, propaganda of each anti-government organization, etc., and the points specified in the said Article;

A. Production and distribution of comments and obscenitys, such as Kim Il-sung,

피고인은 2010 . 9 . 26 . 경 수원시 장안구 영화동 피고인의 주거지에서 , 인터넷 포털 사이트 네이버에 개설된 ' ☆☆008 방위사령부 ' 카페에 접속하여 카페 내 게시판에 게 시된 ' 2010 . 9 . 26 . [ 성명서 ] 폭풍호 ( 暴風號 ) 의 굉음 ( 轟音 ) 을 기다리는 8통일 전야 ( 前 夜 ) 에 ' 라는 제목의 글에 대한 댓글 및 자작시를 제작하여 게시하였는데 그 내용은 다음 과 같다 .

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

The comments on the above comments and writing on the Do governor 008 Special Self-Governing Province 008 Special Self-Governing Province 008 Special Self-Governing Province Mofeng's name, which is the founder of the Mafeng, shall be prepared in the same manner, and Kim Il-il's Mofe

As a result, the Defendant, while knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, praise, rubber, propaganda, or aid the activities of North Korea and its members, which are anti-government organizations.

나 . ' 자주□RQQ민중연대 ' 카페에 ' 김정일 추모 분향소 ' 설치

피고인은 2011 . 12 . 22 . 경 같은 장소에서 , 인터넷 포털 사이트 다음에 개설된 ' 자주 ORAQ 민중연대 ' 카페에 접속하여 대화명 ' 靈靈고 ' 로 ' 김정일 추모 분향소 ' 의 설치에 관한 글을 게시하였는바 , 그 내용은 다음과 같다 .

A person shall be appointed.

Accordingly, the defendant completed the following discussions with regard to the establishment of the Kafeng and Kim Jong-il Kim Jong-il's branch office.

A person shall be appointed.

피고인은 이와 같은 논의과정을 통해 ' 김정일 추모 분향소 ' 를 설치하는 분위기를 조성한 후 2011 . 12 . 22 . 경 위 카페에 ' 위대한 령도자 김정일 장군님은 우리와 함께 영 원하실 겁니다 ' 라는 설명이 게시된 ' 분향소 ' 게시판을 개설하고 , 김정일의 사진 , 화환 사진 , ' 근조 , 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다 ' 라는 문구를 게시하는 방법으로 ' 김정일 추모 온라인 분향소 ' 를 설치하였고 , 피고인 및 위 카페 회원들은 총 137건 ( 2011 . 12 . 27 . 기 준 ) 의 댓글을 게시하였는바 , 그 댓글의 주요 내용은 아래와 같다 .

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

As above, the Defendant established the Kim Jong-il’s Modern leader’s 8’s Modern leader, who fighted against the death of North Korea, North Korea in anti-government organization, and posted documents that praise and instigate North Korea’s system, such as military politics, principal ideology, etc.

As a result, the Defendant, while knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, praise, rubber, propaganda, or aid the activities of North Korea and its members, which are anti-government organizations.

2. The distribution of pro-enemy contents

가 . ' ☆☆Q08 방위사령부 ' 카페에 이적표현물 반포

피고인은 2010 . 8 . 13 . 경 같은 장소에서 , 인터넷 포털 사이트 네이버에 개설된 ' ☆ ☆O08 방위사령부 ' 카페에 접속하여 대화명 ' 靈靈고 ' 명의로 ' 전체 조선에게 고함 ( 2010 한반도님께서 올린 글 ) ' 이라는 제목 하에 북한 ' 조국통일민주주의 전선 중앙위원회 ' 명의의 글을 게시하였는데 그 주요 내용은 아래와 같다 .

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

The defendant posted 13 documents in the same camera as shown in the list of crimes attached to the attached list 1. The above documents show the military politics by strong military force of North Korea, safeguard the policy of absorption by the North's military force while publicizing the excellence of the North's principal ideology and system, and the North's highest power of North Korea, Kim Il-il, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-Un, and Kim Jong-Un, who are the highest power of North Korea, are praise the North Korea's free democracy system in the Republic of Korea, and are committed in concert with the North Korea's attention and assertion, such as denying the free democracy system in the Republic of Korea, and inducing the abolition of national CR and anti-U.S. war.

As a result, the Defendant distributed pro-enemy pro-enemy pro-enemy, with the knowledge of the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, in a manner that praises, rubber, propaganda, or inciting the activities of North Korea and its members, anti-government organizations.

(b) Distribution of pro-enemy materials in the temporary car page of the People's Republic of △△△ (Seoul).

Defendant, at the same place on December 3, 2010, set up in the Internet portal site, “around the Internet portal site.”

On December 2, 2010, 201, the article of "Sacheon Central Communications of Joseon City" was posted under the title of "Sacheon-si Kim Jong-si, Kim Jong-si, who had access to the temporary car page of the People's Republic of Seoul Special Self-Governing Province and rendered a local guidance for several units of "Sacheon-si" in the name of "Sacheon-si, Kim Jong-si, Kim Jong-si", and the main contents thereof are as follows:

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A total of four documents were posted in the same camera as shown in the attached list 2 of crimes. The above documents are the contents of North Korea's attention and assertion, such as the Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-Un, and their activities, and the support and publicity of North Korea's system.

As a result, the Defendant distributed pro-enemy pro-enemy pro-enemy, with the knowledge of the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, in a manner that praises, rubber, propaganda, or inciting the activities of North Korea and its members, anti-government organizations.

(c) Distribution of pro-enemy contents in the high federal unification, Kapeta, etc.

Defendant, at the same place on December 25, 2010, set up in the Internet portal site at the Internet portal site.”

☆ 연방통일 ' 카페에 접속하여 대화명 ' 寧고 ' 명의로 별지 범죄일람표 3 기재와 같 이 김일성을 찬양하는 그림 30매 , 김일성의 처 김정숙을 찬양하는 그림 15매 등 그림 및 사진 45매를 링크하여 게시하였다 .

The above pictures and photographs refer to Kim Il-sung, his wife Kim Jong-sik, so-called "3 Magsan," and include the contents of their activities in Modern, Modern, and Modern, Modern and Modern.

As a result, the Defendant distributed pro-enemy contents with the purpose of praise, rubber, propaganda, and inciting the activities of North Korea and its members, which are anti-government organizations, with the knowledge of the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order.

D. Distribution of pro-enemy contents in the Kapeta among the people of RO Qu.

(1) Distribution of pro-enemy contents on the bulletin board, etc. of the Joseon Press

피고인은 2011 . 10 . 29 . 경부터 같은 해 12 . 9 . 경까지 같은 장소에서 , 위 ‘ 자주미 RQ민중연대 ’ 카페에 접속하여 ' 조선언론 ' , ' 조선소식 ' 게시판에 대화명 ' 靈靈고 ' 명의로 별지 범죄일람표 4 기재와 같이 북한 ' 로동신문 ' 기사 등 총 2건의 글을 게시하 고 , ' 조선문화예술미술 ' 게시판에 김일성을 찬양하는 그림 30매 , 김일성의 처 김정숙을 찬양하는 그림 15매 등 그림 및 사진 45매의 그림을 링크하여 게시하였는바 , 위 문건 및 그림들은 자본주의의 문제점을 지적하며 북한체제를 우수성을 선전하고 , 대한민국 의 자유민주주의 노선을 부정하면서 반미투쟁을 선동하며 , 김일성 , 그의 처 김정숙 및 그들의 활동 내역을 미화 · 찬양하는 등 북한의 주의 · 주장에 동조하는 내용들이다 .

As a result, the Defendant distributed pro-enemy pro-enemy pro-enemy, with the knowledge of the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, in a manner that praises, rubber, propaganda, or inciting the activities of North Korea and its members, anti-government organizations.

(2) An expert (Technology) analysis and distribution of pro-enemy contents on the bulletin board.

피고인은 2011 . 9 . 23 . 경부터 2011 . 9 . 24 . 경까지 같은 장소에서 , 위 ‘ 자주□R QQ민중연대 ’ 카페에 접속하여 ' 전문가 ( 기술원 ) 분석 ' 게시판에 대화명 ' 훈훈고 ' 명의 로 별지 범죄일람표 5 기재와 같이 18건의 문건들을 게시하였는바 , 위 문건들은 북한 의 핵보유를 비롯한 강력한 군사력 , 높은 수준의 과학기술 , 주체사상 , 고려연방제통일 방안 , 사회주의 강성대국 건설 기타 북한체제를 찬양 · 선전하고 , 대한민국을 미제국주 의의 식민지로 폄하하면서 주한미군철수 , 조미평화협정체결 등을 주장하는 등 북한의 주의 · 주장에 동조하는 내용들이다 .

As a result, the Defendant distributed pro-enemy pro-enemy pro-enemy, with the knowledge of the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, in a manner that praises, rubber, propaganda, or inciting the activities of North Korea and its members, anti-government organizations.

E. Distribution of pro-enemy contents to the Kapeta group of the victims of the Republic of Korea

Defendant, at the same place on February 27, 2012, was established next to the Internet portal site at the same place.

The victim's meeting was connected to the "Kafin and announced in the name of "Ammony of conversation" as shown in attached Table 6 of the List of Crimes, "Ammony of Kim Il-sung in the century" and "Ammony of Kim Il-sung in the above century", and "Ammony along with the above" was 80 times of Kim Il-sung in April 15, 1992 and published for the purpose of external publicity from April 192 to August 1997, the letter of "Ammony of Kim Il-sung" published for the purpose of overseas publicity in "Ammony of Kim Il-sung who was born in the house of the anti-Japanese Revolution and directed the other country Kim Jong-do's independence in the region of the Republic of Korea from the time of birth in the house of the youth, and the contents of "Ammony's colon's colon's colon's colon's colon's colon's colon's colon's colon's colon.

As a result, the Defendant distributed pro-enemy pro-enemy pro-enemy, with the knowledge of the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, in a manner that praises, rubber, propaganda, or inciting the activities of North Korea and its members, anti-government organizations.

Summary of Evidence

1. The date, time, place, etc. of the first trial record in which the defendant was decided on "the defendant," as stated in its ruling;

These comments and praises are posted, and Kim Jong-il online decentralization is added through the process of discussion.

(1) The notice of any writing and any picture as shown in the attached list 1 to 6 shall also be posted.

. The statement ";"

1. Copies of each document

1. Each investigation report;

Application of Statutes

1. Relevant Article of the Criminal Act and the selection of punishment for the crime;

○ Each North Korea’s praise, rubber, propaganda, and the said articles: each Gu’s S (Law No. 1590, September 15, 2011)

Article 7(1) of the Act, amended by Act No. 11042, to enter into force on July 1, 2012; hereinafter the same shall apply);

Article 14 (Concurrent Imposition of Suspension of Qualification)

Article 7(5) and (1), and Article 14(1) of the former Act on the Distribution of Pro-enemy-Related Materials

Suspension of Punishment concurrently)

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

Article 37 (former part of Article 37, Article 38 (1) 2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act [In the case of concurrent crimes resulting from the violation of Article 5 of the State concerning the establishment of "the Mono-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Man" around December 22, 201, in which the nature of the crime and the Mono-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Mano-Ma

1. Suspension of execution;

Article 62(1) of the Criminal Act

1. Probation;

Article 62-2 of the Criminal Act

It is so decided as per Disposition for the above reasons.


Judges Dokop

Site of separate sheet

List of Offenses1

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

List 2

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

List of Crimes 3

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

List of Offenses 4

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

List of Offenses5

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

A person shall be appointed.

List of Crime 6

A person shall be appointed.